Alive in Christ: The Martyrs of the Church / Živi v Kristusu: Mučenci Cerkve

Alive in Christ: The Martyrs of the Church is a docudrama series that explores the faith and courage of Christians who gave their lives for Christ. It highlights the significance of martyrdom and loyalty to the Church in times of persecution – both in the past and today – offering an inspiring witness to the enduring and unshakable strength of faith.

Trailers for the newest episodes:

List of the episodes:

Episode 1: The Early Church – trailer
Episode 2: Devotion and Defiance – trailer
Episode 3: Preserving the Flame of Faith – trailer

Each episode features two interconnected stories of martyrs, united by a common spiritual theme. Through carefully selected narratives, interviews, and dramatized scenes, the series offers a deep insight into the lives of the martyrs and brings their significance closer to the present day.

Host Mariah Dolenc

Each episode of the series is narrated and guided by Mariah Dolenc, who moved from California to Slovenia. Filmed in locations that emphasize the historical and spiritual significance of the stories, she connects the past and present to show how the tales of the martyrs remain relevant today.

A Diverse Panel of Experts

The series features a wide range of interviews with scholars from various fields, including Church history and theology. These experts provide valuable insights into the historical sources, theological significance, and spiritual legacy of the martyrs. Through their knowledge and personal reflections, they deepen our understanding of these stories.

Cinematic Historical Dramatizations

The film takes the audience back to a time of persecution, showcasing the courage of Christian martyrs through historically accurate reenactments spoken in their native languages. Scenes of Church life – worship, prayer, and sacraments – interweave past and present, highlighting the enduring legacy of these martyrs within the Church.