Snemanje projekta "Slovenija ima srce"

V zadnjem mesecu intenzivno nastaja kratek dokumentarni "film" z naslovom "Slovenija ima srce". Kmalu, 15. junija, pa boste izvedeli še za kakšen film in pobudo gre. Tukaj pa še nekaj fotografij s snemanj v Hrastovljah ter okolici Škofje Loke.

Foto: Žiga Lovšin, Vida Jocif, Nataša Qualizza

David Sipoš

David Sipoš discovered a wide variety of powerful stories that have not yet been told in his home country Slovenia and started bringing those to life with the power of film. His fantasy short film »Kresnik: The Lore of Fire« revived the old Slovenian legends around the bonfire night and in the recent years he’s bringing to cinema and TV around the world inspiring experiences with high production value and understanding of Christian lore and its stories.


Spominski dnevi 2015 - Slovenija ima srce


Cleveland, OH and Washington, DC