Nov dokumentarec v nastajanju o Josephu Gregorichu

To poletje sem preživel nekaj čudovitih trenutkov v dolenjski pokrajini, blizu Trebnjega v Mali vasi, kjer se je rodil naš misijonar Friderik Irenej Baraga. Posnetki bodo uporabljeni v dokumentarnem filmu za televizijo EWTN in dokumentarista Michaela O’Neilla, ki bo predstavil življenje in delo Josepha Gregoricha, zelo pomembnega moža za začetek postkopka beatifikacije misijonarja Barage.


Joseph Gregorich (1889-1984) dedicated fifty years of his life to the collection (usually by microfilm), cataloguing, and translation of materials relating to the life and activities of Father and later Bishop Baraga.

This collection was the basis of the “Positio,” the document describing Baraga’s life of heroic virtue, which was presented to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.


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