EWTN Showreel 2024
Letošnje leto je bilo za nas zelo pestro in polno nepozabnih izzivov. Še posebej veliko smo sodelovali s katoliško televizijsko mrežo EWTN, s katero smo ustvarili vsebine, ki navdihujejo in povezujejo. Pri projektu so sodelovali slovenski in tuji igralci, velik del vsebin pa je bil posnet v naši čudoviti Sloveniji. Vabimo vas, da si ogledate delček tega, kar smo ustvarili.
This year has been an incredible journey, filled with unforgettable challenges and milestones. We had the privilege of working closely with the Catholic television network EWTN on a range of inspiring projects designed to bring people together. From filming across Slovenia’s stunning landscapes to working with talented Slovenian and international actors, our collaborations have been truly special. Together, we’ve created meaningful content that reflects our shared values and faith. We invite you to take a closer look at the remarkable work we’ve accomplished together!