The Burning Bishop / Goreči škof
A documentary film about Archbishop Anton Vovk, who, throughout all his years of service, had to struggle to remain a key figure of the Slovenian nation and the Church.
Watch the film on YouTube.
The Burning Bishop shows the entire life of Bishop Vovk from his early years in Vrba to his episcopate in Ljubljana, but the 55-minute film narrative can only include the most important highlights of his life. The film primarily focuses on engaging the viewer emotionally, subordinating facts to film dramaturgy.
Another level of content delivery in the film is built through symbolism. We often witness descriptions and events which, if literally translated into an image, would not have the same emotional impact as they do when presented symbolically. Interviews are conducted in two ways. Objective ones narrate facts that are recorded and clear, outlining the biography of the subject. Subjective interviews are from witnesses who speak about their encounters with him, remember him, and complement his story.
The name Anton Vovk still vividly revives memories of the bishop who administered confirmations, a bishop of great figure with a powerful voice, and a bishop who was burned. Certainly, the latter event is the most resonant and therefore deserves a special place in the film.
Screenshots from the film:
The Burning Bishop
Year of production: 2017
Producer: Nadškofija Ljubljana
Production: Studio Siposh
Executive producer: David Sipoš
Screenwriter: Rok Andres
Compser, sound designer: Tim Žibrat
Animations: Vid Planinc
Illustrations: Rok Malovrh
Director, director of photography: David Sipoš