The Dawn is Near / Srečen bo čas
Anton Martin Slomšek's inspirational journey to elevate Slovenian culture during the 19th-century European Renaissance.
Watch the film on YouTube.
The Dawn is Near is a modern film portrait that reveals the background of the visionary work of Anton Martin Slomšek. A story woven from many threads about a man who deeply respected the environment in which he grew up and later worked. With his determination and great efforts, he moved the domestic cultural space alongside other European nations, which were experiencing their renaissance in the middle of the 19th century. The Dawn is Near is an inspiring story about a man who knew the Slovenian soul and dedicated his entire life to it.
Screenshots from the film:
The Dawn is Near
Year of production: 2022
Production: Studio Siposh
Executive producer: David Sipoš
Producers: Alen Prelesnik, Vid Planinc, Elza Rebol
Composer: Tim Žibrat
Director of photograpghy: David Sipoš
Illustrations: Klarisa Sipoš
Make-up artists and costumes: Nastja Vodenik, Mateja Naberšnik
Animations: Nejc Kavka, Vid Planinc
Sound postproduction: Zibrat Studio, Soundart.Si
Edited by: David Sipoš, Jakob Hreščak, Matías Zemljič
Film supported by Ministry of culture, Minicipalities Celje, Brežice, Podčetrtek, Rogaška Slatina, Šentjur, Vojnik, Vuzenica
Coproducer: Vikariat Antona Martina Slomška, Ivan Štuhec
Directed by: David Sipoš, Matjaž Feguš, Vid Planinc, Elza Rebol