Explore with the Miracle Hunter: Aylesford

The Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel had their origins as a Christian hermit community in Palestine; with the enfeebling and fall of the Crusader Kingdoms and the resumption of Muslim rule, in the early 13th century the members moved to Europe where they became mendicant friars. Simon was born in England and became an early leader of the Order soon after it migrated to that country.

He is believed to have lived at Aylesford in Kent, a place that hosted in 1247 the first general chapter of the Carmelite Order held outside the Holy Land, and where there is still a monastery of Carmelite friars.

Stock lived an ascetic life. He lived on a diet of herbs, roots and wild apples and drank only water. He is said to have died in Bordeaux, France on May 16, though the year is not documented, and was buried there.

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