Explore with the Miracle Hunter: Miracles of Roses

During Kathryn's 20th week of pregnancy, tests revealed issues with her baby's health. She turned to prayer, specifically St. Therese of Lisieux, for help. Unexpectedly, a package of white paper towels with roses arrived, which she saw as a positive sign.

In December 2001, Isabel woke up with a swollen face, leading to medical concerns. After subsequent visits and tests, a serious kidney disease was diagnosed. Strong medications were prescribed, causing muscle and bone weakness. She turned to prayer, specifically seeking help from St. Therese. Fearing dialysis, she prayed intensely, attended a healing Mass, and felt a warm sensation during an anointing.

Marie and Ken married and struggled with infertility. Marie prayed st. Theresa, and when she received a card with roses on it, she took it as a sign. Subsequently, she became pregnant and named their daughter Angela Rose.

Episode highlight reel:

Still frames from the episode: